Razer lachesis 4000 dpi driver
Razer lachesis 4000 dpi driver

razer lachesis 4000 dpi driver razer lachesis 4000 dpi driver

Specifications (and what they mean in plain English) Keeping with Razer tradition, the Lachesis is named after yet another venomous snake. You might have read my review of the Razer Barracuda headphone/soundcard combo, if you did, you’ll know I might be a fan of Razer, but not a fanboy. I think I do know what I’m talking about, and I don’t get review samples anyway 😉 They either don’t know what they’re talking about, or are afraid they won’t receive any more review samples if they’re too critical. In my opinion most hardware sites don’t have proper mouse-reviews.

razer lachesis 4000 dpi driver

I recently received this mouse as part of a christmas-gift from Razer, and I’ve decided to write a review about.

Razer lachesis 4000 dpi driver